Turn your screen sideways


To help us communicate better.
After all, I've already turned your world upside down

Erk, connection lost!

Gee, as my grandmother would say: “there’s no service!”

Cross icon to close the course home

Love and Treason at the Opera

Not far from a macabre rite, opera can sometimes be depicted as a place where heroines are submitted to male power...

Cheer up and follow me, I've got happy stories too!

session 1

Small clock illustrating the session duration

11 min

Women being abandoned, an opera classic

session 2

Small clock illustrating the session duration

1 min

Women as cruel seducers

session 3

Small clock illustrating the session duration

1 min

Man and woman: an impossible match?

session 4

Small clock illustrating the session duration

6 min

Happy couples are not just a legend!