Turn your screen sideways


To help us communicate better.
After all, I've already turned your world upside down

Erk, connection lost!

The next thing I’ll teach you is patience!

Cross icon to close the course home
Small clock illustrating the session duration

3 min

Dancing Good vs. Evil

Everyone knows that in the movies we’ve got bad guys versus good guys. In the ballets, it’s the same.

But when it comes to dancing the great fight of good versus evil, the question is: who is the winner?

Let’s keep score.

Erk, connection lost!

The next thing I’ll teach you is patience!

Cross icon to close the course home
Small clock illustrating the session duration

3 min

Dancing Good vs. Evil

Everyone knows that in the movies we’ve got bad guys versus good guys. In the ballets, it’s the same.

But when it comes to dancing the great fight of good versus evil, the question is: who is the winner?

Let’s keep score.